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Our Products
Our Products

By blending over 750 mouth-watering ingredients
English Provender Company has created a huge range of industry-leading ambient and chilled products

Below is a selection of our current product range and our flexible development team is also on hand to create bespoke products or tweak current recipes to suit your business needs - just talk to our team.

Mayonnaises, salad creams & salad dressings

Mayonnaises, salad creams & salad dressings

Free range or low fat, flavoured with curry or lemon, Italian or French, however your customers like it, we make it.

Chutneys, pickles and condiments

Chutneys, pickles and condiments

Hot and fiery, creamy and smooth, we create accompaniments for any menu.

Cooking sauces and marinades

Cooking sauces and marinades

From fast cooking concentrates like hot pots and casseroles to slow tasty marinades in light lemon or hot teriyaki... we create them in no time.

Dips and relishes

Dips and relishes

Buy fruity or fiery salsas, mouth-watering dips or award winning relishes... or simply create your own.

Jams, preserves and dessert sauces

Jams, preserves and dessert sauces

Jams, delicious dessert sauces or scrumptious preserves, we make them all using time honoured, open pan cooking methods.

Flower waters

Flower waters

Aromatic orange, fragrant rose or dream up another flavour your customers will love!

Test us with any bespoke product your business demands

Test us with any bespoke product your business demands

Talk to us today about a new ambient or chilled product for your customers.

© English Provender Company Ltd. 2024

English Provender Company Ltd,
Registered in England: no 2593588

Registered office at:
Cunard Building
Water Street
Liverpool L3 1EL rrr

T. 01635 528800